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  • Writer's pictureVenturing Victoria

Silverband Waterfalls

The gorgeous Silverband Falls are a short and picturesque ten minute drive from the township of Halls Gap. The walk to the falls is less than a kilometre and took us thirty minutes to and from which included plenty of time admiring the Falls when we were there. Certainly my top pick for a quick adventure Grampians.

I was enticed by the bright green trees and idyllic bush surrounding at the beginning of the walk, I was pleased that it remained just as beautiful if not more so the further we walked on. It wasn't long before we were able to look down and see an exceptionally dry slightly trickling river, it was at this moment that I feared that the falls may not actually be flowing at all.

The track to the falls is incredibly well maintained as are many throughout the Grampians region, it was wide and primarily flat. It was not long until the landscape opened and gave us a clear view of what was an extremely dry riverbed. Now I have mentioned in previous blogs about the fact that the area was incredibly dry and Silverband Falls were no exception, in fact they were possibly the driest of all our adventures.

With little to no hope at all at this stage that the falls were going to be anything more than a stone dry rock face, we were pleasantly surprised to turn the next corner and be greeted with what felt like a smile by a small yet proudly flowing waterfalls. By no means were The Silverband Falls flowing with the magnitude of The Mackenzie Falls, but oddly intriguing to see such a vast comparison between the two.

Where is the water going? The riverbed is completely dry not a drop of water in it, the falls are flowing but where on earth is the water which is running down the rocks going when it gets to the bottom? A closer inspection was certainly required. My investigation concluded with the water is going straight into the earth below, that was my only answer.

On the walk back to the car I noticed that the climate was extremely cool in parts, and there was a delightful smell filling the air. That's when I saw the hollow log below and thought to myself this log captures the essence of this moment surrounded in absolute beauty.

We will definitely be going back during spring to see the difference in the falls so stay tuned!

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