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  • Writer's pictureVenturing Victoria

The Pinnacle via Grand Canyon

Walking to The Pinnacle via the Grand Canyon would have to be one of my absolute favourite walks. I would actually go as far to place this as my number one, I was just so awestruck by the beauty that surrounded me throughout this walk. So to get here we headed to the Wonderland Car Park on Wonderland Road, Halls Gap it's around three hours drive from Melbourne CBD. Getting to The Pinnacle from Wonderland Car Park is a 2.1 kilometer walk and is not the easiest way to The Pinnacle, nor is it the hardest. The easiest is from Sundial Car Park and well suited to families with smaller children or people who are happy to forgo the sights of the Grand Canyon it will take you roughly two hours return. Beginning your walk from the Halls Gap Caravan Park is a much longer walk, nearly 10 kilometers. However do not be put off by the distance as you will also get to pass through the Halls Gap Botanic Garden, stop and take in the sights of the Venus Baths, then the majestic Splitters Falls before reaching The Wonderland Car Park and continuing onto The Pinnacle via the Grand Canyon. We opted to begin in the Wonderland Car Park and visit the other attractions separately.

Do not expect to park in the actual carpark, instead be ready to park in Wonderland Road and walk up to the carpark. Once in the carpark you will see the above sign, walk up the track to the right of it and you will get to the toilet block (yes a drop toilet, it's clean and does the job) this is the last toilet you are going to see in a while and if your thinking of hiding behind a tree on the way up or down you should know that there are plenty of of other walkers, you won't be alone.

Once you have had a read of the information provided, get started.

At the beginning of the walk you walk along some interesting rock steps. By now you will feel like you're in another world of amazing sights, smells and sounds. Within 100 meters you have reached the Grand Canyon, which trust me 'Grand' is the operative word.

Once at the canyon you cannot help but say a an out a loud WOW. I truly just cannot imagine a more uplifting, soul awakening place to be.

Once you are ready to move on from the Grand Canyon and climb up the steel stairs, you come to your next amazing sight. My description will never be as good as the actual image, so perhaps take a look below.

The whole walk is just amazing there is seldom a moment that you just wish you were at the top, however some parts can feel a little taxing on a warm day although when you see the next magical sight you forget your legs are starting to burn a little and your a tad hot and thirsty (make sure you bring plenty of water).

If you are a little hot, that's ok, you can go in the Cool Chamber it does not disappoint seriously once your behind the sign you're as cool as a cucumber. I strongly advise on a warm day to relax in here and catch your breath.

Time to hop out and move on there are so many sights still to see.

Bridal Veil Falls were not falling on my most recent trip there in April. However when we went last September they certainly were, as you can see below. They are not a huge waterfall but instead as the name suggests a pretty veil of water.

On you go again ascending gradually towards The Pinnacle. You look around wondering how far off am I from the crescendo, then you look around what you are already walking through and realise it doesn't really matter how long it takes. You arrive at Silent Street, is it really silent? I'll leave you to be the judge of that.

Not much left of what has been a rewarding walk by this stage, you will head up a narrow set of steep steps, and walk along some really interesting rock formations before you reach The Pinnacle. By the time we reached the end section heading to The Pinnacle I have to admit I was feeling a little hot, my legs were a little sore and I was keen to see the sights from the top, therefore it wasn't until we where heading back down that I took in the beauty of the rock formations. They almost looked like boiling lava had been poured down the mountain and instantly snapped frozen.

And your there, take a breathe, give yourself a pat on the back and enjoy the well worth it view. Now, one thing I do need to mention is that before you go to The Pinnacle you may have looked it up on the internet and seen the amazing photos of often one person standing on the edge, or maybe even no one up there, do not be disappointed when you get there and it's comparable to Bourke Street. You may have to wait your turn to get to the edge of The Pinnacle and take your happy snaps, is this a problem, annoying, frustrating absolutely not. Everyone up there is up there for the same reason as you are and often you'll be asked to take a photo of a group and in exchange they will take a photo of you and your group which will make for two wonderful photographic memories.

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