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  • Writer's pictureVenturing Victoria

Mt Donna Buang 'Snow' good

I have been to Mt Donna Buang more times than I can count, I remember my Dad taking me quite often as a small child, and now I have taken my little one countless times. When I was young the tower at the top was not quite the height it is today as it was extended in 1995. Now the steel observation tower stands a proud 21 metres high, so add this to the already 1250 metres above sea level of the summit you are up pretty high. On a clear day the top of the tower provides you with a phenomenal 360 degree view of the Yarra Valley, Cathedral Ranges, Mount Baw Baw and the Alps. Having been on so many occasions over the years, I have obviously been there in varied weather conditions. What time of year do I prefer to visit, I cannot decide I love going in the winter months when it is blanketed in snow and becomes a magical winter wonderland. I also love going during the summer months when the sun is beaming down on me and there is a clear azure sky, this is the best time to take advantage of the view on offer. You never know what weather you are going to get up there during the months of Autumn ad Spring is always a surprise, I do find the days up there that to be misty are stunning, mysteriously and entirely captivating. The day I went up there in the above photo was particularly misty and that was in Autumn.

As you can see the view from the top is always beautiful regardless of the season, as you can also see I haven't got any photos of the distant views you can see from up there without my family in the foreground (they are of course the best of all the views in the world to me), so you will have to go up there yourself to see first-hand what I am referring to.

Once back on solid ground go and explore there are more things to see here than purely the view from above. Take a wander over to the picnic shelter which in my mind has not changed at all since I was a child, it remains exactly how I have always pictured it to be. This provides a well welcomed shelter from the bitterly cold snow, and you can derive some much needed warmth from the fire. This particular day we were here was especially warm for an early Autumn day, and I I did find it peculiar for the fire to have been burning. We certainly did not need to make good use of its heat on this occasion. The shelter also offers six picnic tables perfect for a winter picnic one might think, however keep in mind it gets tremendously busy in here during snow season, so a nice place to sit if you are lucky enough to get in first. Other amenities on the summit are toilets, they are not near the shelter they are back over near the carpark and gas barbecues nearby picnic tables about the place out in the open. Speaking of the carpark there are approximately 20 spaces at the top, which during any time of the year there is no snow you will get a park in. However, come snow season do not expect to get one at the summit you may have to park in one of the very large carparks a little further down the mountain. Never fear they are not a long walk to the summit and if you do have to park there you will be so in awe of the white winter coat the mountain is now wearing and you will not mind walking through it to reach the summit.

Above is one of the three toboggan run's on the mountain, towards the end of the season so there where not many people using due to the fact there was not a great deal of snow, but those who were happily tobogganing down looked as though they were having the times of their life. You cannot ski or snowboard on the summit as only plastic toboggans are permitted. Toboggans can be hired on the summit from Terry's Toboggan Hire for $10.00, you can also hire toboggans in the township of Waburton. There are no permanent cafes or restaurants at the top but, you will find Mountain Tucker who work out of a converted caravan serving hot chocolate, coffee, hot chips, jam donuts jut what you need in the middle of the snow. I also follow, whilst I have no affiliation with Mountain Tucker on Facebook as they provide extremely useful updates on the conditions up there including snow conditions, including accessibility to the summit and times that Mt Donna Buang Summit Rd will be graded. I believe they are only up there during the colder months. There are also other websites, Facebook pages that have updates on the conditions at the summit and I strongly recommend that you check these out before heading up there during Winter.

There are several walks best done in the warmer months ranging from moderate 1 kilometre's walks to more difficult 6 kilometre challenges. I am yet to explore all of these but certainly hope to one day.

As you were driving up the mountain you may have noticed to your left at the sharp right turn you make towards the summit The Rainforest Gallery Walk. I cannot more strongly recommend that you spare your time to take in the natural beauty on display along this incredible 350 metre long elevated walkway, which travels 15 metres above the pristine rainforest canopy. We always stop to take in the enchantment of the observation platform at the beginning of this awe-inspiring amble. I love the sign at the start of the walk which is pictured above: "Lost in the bush . . . Isolated and lonely. Separated from civilisation. In an unfamiliar place. Or . . . Lost in the bush? Quietly observing an appreciating. Absorbed by it. Lost in it's beauty. To be lost in the bush . . . blissful or die? Either way in touch with 'wilderness'". It really sets the scene for the beauty you are about to be treated to. Let yourself get lost in the moment, lost in the bush and lost in the peace.

The view below from the observation platform is a mere tease compared to what you are about to be overindulged with further along the walkway. I have to also mention we have been lucky enough to be alone for much of the adventure throughout the rainforest on all of our visits here, allowing us to take in the tranquillity of our surrounds and to hear only the sounds of the running creek, rustling of the trees and lyrebirds.

I love being able to take in the environment below as it looks untouched by humans and you are able to take in the untouched beauty, without it having been trampled on. All in all, a trip to Mt Donna Buang and a visit to The Rainforest Gallery Walk on the way back down, or on the way up purely up to you makes for a sensational day out.

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