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  • Writer's pictureVenturing Victoria

Hollow Mountain (aka 'My' Mission Impossible)

This is my hardest blog to write so far . . . why? because plain and simple I just didn't make it to the top. I have been so disappointed with myself for the past 11 days should have been more confident and given it a better go than what I did. So, firstly you may be asking why did she bother writing about it at all, we didn't all need to know she is a bit of a coward when it comes to rock climbing? My answer to this is that the walk leading up to the moment I gave up and sat on a rock admiring the view, which was amazing, was indeed a fantastic walk. The scenery was sensational, the walk was fun with a bit of a scramble here and there but I enjoy that. Most importantly my boys made it to the top (easily might I add) and kept me updated that all was well and sent me some lovely photos from the top. Is this walk dangerous? No, there is no way I would have let love ones go on if I actually thought the walk was dangerous, it's something you need your wits about you to do, challenging and unlike me you just need a huge dose of confidence. I think what annoyed me somewhat was that everything I had read about the walk which led us to do it was that it was a moderate difficulty (easy I had in my head), nowhere did I read that you actually had to climb a little to get there. As I sat and waited I saw people of all ages and fitness levels head up the section I gave up on. I saw a possibly four year old girl make it up with the help of her father and uncle, as this stage I shook my head and thought when my boys get back after seeing her at the top I will never hear the end of this. In saying that I did towards the end have the company of a fit young teenager who got to the exact same spot as I did, and said exactly what I said . . . no way I'm getting back down! I said to her as we both sat and waited for our families, you had it, you got up that section like a machine why didn't you keep going? Like me she simply said she didn't feel she had the confidence to continue to the top. The shame of the matter was that of the three people coming down as we got to 'my obstacle' we chatted too, two of them made it to the top and had advised us that this section was the hardest, if you can get over that you can get to the top they told us. The other of their group that did not continue, had showed a now dubious me, a comfortable rock to sit and wait if I was to suffer the same fate as her, which I did. With my self pity paragraph out of the way, lets move onto what would actually be an amazing walk. I will of course put in a photo of 'my obstacle' so you can all see for yourself why I have been kicking myself for 11 days for not just taking two extra steps and moving on.

Hollow Mountain is located at 41 Mount Zero Road, Laharum its approximately 45 minutes drive from Halls Gap. This is Mount Zero Road, it felt like the whole car was going to just shake itself into a million pieces the road was so corrugated. It also felt like we were driving along this bumpy road for hours (of course we were not), once we arrived we where surprised to see some really little cars in the carpark all intact as I will warn this was ridiculously bumpy.

The walks easy to navigate as there are yellow arrows everywhere. I did hear other parties there saying to one another, were to next? just keep your eyes out for the yellow arrows and you'll be fine.

The walk starts off along a well maintained, spacious path gradually ascending via these steps. The view of the mountain is magical. We could however see people about half way up the mountain walking along the ridge. From the bottom it almost looks as though they are climbing along a narrow (dangerous) rock face, however once up there that section of the walk is apparently extremely wide, wide enough to kick a footy I am told. The wide path and stairs quickly disappear and scrambling over easy rock terrain begins (so much fun).

I wouldn't suggest walking here in wet slippery weather or on a hot day as both weather conditions would make for a difficult, uncomfortable walk. The day we went was a comfortable 23 degrees and a little cloudy, we feared that it may rain as you can see the clouds were dark, but it didn't and it was a comfortable temperature.

And we are here at 'my obstacle' ok stop scoffing, on second thoughts laugh, at least let there be something positive come out of my failure in climbing up this one small section of rock. In my defense, it was a lot more vertical in real life and higher also.

This is were I made it to and my view for the next hour or so, really I couldn't complain it was a perfect view and well worth the walk to get to here (even if you do not wish to continue). As I sat there at times staring at the rock I couldn't conquer I thought to myself, its just you by yourself give it another go! Thankfully I had reception and was able to phone (message) a friend for a second opinion on my courageous thoughts, to which the reply was stay exactly where you are and do not attempt that by yourself. Lucky for me I have wise friends. Now the rest of the amazing photos from here on in are courtesy of my brave husband who might I mention got up 'my obstacle' in about 3 seconds. Both my boys flew up this like Nepalese Sherpa's, I have no doubt they made it to the top with the same degree of ease.

The rock formations look amazing and it looks like so much fun up at the top I will definitely do it next time, I am so looking forward to getting back there.

Hopefully my next blog on Hollow Mountain will end with a photo of me standing proudly at the top.

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