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  • Writer's pictureVenturing Victoria

Bellfield Lake

When I was re-reading this, I truly thought to myself anyone who reads this is literally just going to think I am a sign loving, toilet block turned information tower enthusiast. Do I delete this and start from scratch or just get on with it? So, I pressed on and I assure you once I get my initial excitement of the signs and let's call it 'multipurpose tower' out of the way, you will actually see that this is one of the most stunning places I have been. So, it all started when we went to the top of The Pinnacle in The Grampians, we looked to our right and saw an amazing pool of water, which is pictured above. I decided then that I must find out what it's called, where it is and talk the boys into going there with me. Once back at camp I looked it up straight away; it's called Lake Bellfield, is located on Grampians Road five minutes from Halls Gap township and as for having to talk the boys into coming they were as eager to get there as me.

I was not disappointed in the slightest when we arrived, there was a wealth of information to take in (don't forget how much I love a sign), well Lake Bellfield went one better than a sign. Below is the 'multipurpose tower', the ground level is a toilet block (not very flattering but purposeful) the upper level however has more information, seating and a wonderful view over the water.

Now to the exciting part, this amazing lake it is the prettiest lake I have ever seen (and I have seen quite a few). We did not see anyone taking advantage of the recreational activities that this lake can be used for such as canoeing, paddle boarding, swimming and fishing. I would imagine these would be more popular throughout the warmer months, the day we went was low 20's the water looked inviting; however I had no ambition to swim in it on this occasion. The area that you can swim in is at the Lake Bellfield picnic area, which is 2200 metres from where we were. I did see the turn off into that carpark and would advise parking in there. You cannot swim in other areas of the lake as they are hazardous due to extremely cold temperatures and dangerous variations in water depth of the lake. The height of the lake is 55 metres so it would be incredibly cold water even on a hot day, perfect for the summer.

It was hard to know where to look, beauty was surrounding us everywhere we looked, the view out over the pristine water was instantly relaxing. Whilst it is relaxing to look at it the lake itself is much busier than it looks, it supplies water to Halls Gap and Pomonal townships. It doesn't stop there it is also the main water source for the Wimmera Mallee Pipeline system.

We were not alone walking along the dam wall there were so many ducks just sitting along the walk way, also taking in the beauty of their surrounds. They could not have cared less and did not move a muscle as we passed through them.

Once at the end of the 800 metre dam wall walk you will be greeted by a flight of enticing stairs, up you go they won't disappoint the view from the top is amazing not only of the lake but the sides of the embankment. My photos could not capture the colours in these rocks pink, red, brown and tan are the colours that come to mind when I cast my mind back to looking at them in person. You cannot walk over to or along the embankment, as much as I had hoped we could but looking at them did suffice.

Now for the walk back or as I like to call it the icing on the cake, it's a sensational view of the Grampians and funnily enough a clear view of The Pinnacle. You can see The Pinnacle so clearly in fact that I could see people standing up there and wondered if they were looking down thinking the same thing we did, what is that beautiful body of water and how do we get there. If they where I hope they found it as I highly recommend visiting Lake Bellfield. In the last photo amongst the magnificent green and yellow leafy trees hides Halls Gap Lakeside Tourist Park. I cannot comment personally on this accommodation there as I did not stay there this time, however, imagine talking a walk along the dam wall after dinner, what a way to end your night.

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